Dear Patients,

While the health and safety of our patients and staff have always been our priority, we have several additional measures in place to further protect you in response to the ongoing challenge of Covid-19.

• If you are exhibiting any flu-like symptoms, fever, sore throat, or recent loss of taste or smell, we request you postpone treatment until you are symptom free for a minimum of 72 hours.

• A plexiglass barrier has been set up at the front desk.

• Masks are available in the waiting room for patients who choose to wear one.

• All of our operatories and the waiting room have special HEPA air purifiers with UV sanitation.

• All staff members will be wearing additional personal protective equipment.

If you have any questions on our safety protocols, please give us a call at 206-935-4611.

Thank you for being patients at our office and we look forward to seeing you soon at your next dental visit.


Kyle A. Smits DDS & Staff